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  • Writer's pictureProtect Our Kids' Future

RELEASE: Proponents Launch Campaign by Deceiving Voters About Question 2

BOSTON, MA - August 8 - Today, proponents of Question 2 launched a misleading and deceptive campaign in support of a ballot question that will harm kids by eliminating the state’s only objective standard for high school graduation. Contrary to what proponents claim, if Question 2 passes, nothing will replace this standard. This will drastically increase inequality and unfairly harm kids who live in districts that will lower education standards to inflate graduation rates, even if students aren’t yet ready.

That’s why, last week, Protect Our Kids’ Future: No on Question 2 launched a campaign to make sure voters understand the damage that passing Question 2 would do to our public education system - and most importantly to our public school students and teachers. The campaign includes digital ads featuring a public school parent and a public school teacher.

Question 2 would not “replace” education standards as the proponents falsely claim. The plain language of Question 2 specifically precludes replacing or improving any statewide or district wide graduation assessment, stating that only coursework may be considered in deciding who graduates from high school. Contrary to what proponents suggest in their statement, scores on the 10th grade assessment may not play any role in determining whether a student earns a diploma.

A statewide graduation requirement ensures that students meet minimum standards before graduating. Abandoning students who need extra help by giving them diplomas and sending them on their way would negatively impact kids for the rest of their lives. Instead of dropping standards, as proponents advocate, we should do the hard work to lift students to ensure that every child receives the excellent education they are entitled to before graduating.


Our statewide graduation standard has served us well. Graduation rates are up, and dropout rates are down. Lowering standards in Massachusetts is not the path forward for our children. If Question 2 becomes law, Massachusetts would have lower high school graduation standards than states like Alabama and Mississippi.

Contact: Dominic Slowey



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